F4: Food, Fitness, Focus, Fat-Loss

Macro tracking, shopping for cheaper groceries & kicking Door Dash to the curb

Happy Friday!

This week we remembered September 11, 2001, with a memorial stair climb at Kroger Field in Lexington, KY. It was epic. And it was the first year I had done something like this.

But my Wednesday nights used to look a lot different.

I was addicted to alcohol for a long time, so I’d end up sitting at home on weeknights and catching up on work, watching Netflix, or pretending to be productive doing busywork. Staying up way too late and feeling like death most mornings.

When I look at my hobbies now, they’re all focused around fitness, getting better at some skill, or making money. I always tell my wife that every time I leave the house its for a “revenue-generating activity.” She doesn’t believe me most of the time but that’s fine ha!

As we hit our 30s and 40s, our hobbies have to better our lives and those around us. This week, think about what you do after work and family time and ask if its productive - what would your 60-70 year old self say?

Need some ideas? Try trading these out:

Door Dash/picking up McDonald’s —> Try cooking a new recipe with your wife or GF

Watching Netflix or (worse) cable TV —> go outside with no devices and close your eyes for 30 mins and decompress

Doom scrolling til you pass out —> Read a non-fiction business or history book

Oh, and go to bed at 10pm. You thank me later. Until next week…

If you like this email, please forward it to a friend. Let's get started!

F1: Food

Groceries, what an absolute mess. If you follow me on IG, you know I regularly spend a small fortune at Costco on turkey and ground beef. And that’s when I go in with a plan. Feeding yourself the protein you need to grow and maintain muscle (170+ grams a day for us guys) ain’t cheap. Here’s 19 tips on how to ease the blow of the grocery bill.

F2: Fitness

I’m always on the lookout for new workout ideas and plans. Guys that I train know that most of what we do is basic, big and boring. Because it works. There is no secret to big muscles other than doing the same thing day in and day out, only a little bit better each time. But if you’re looking for a change, check out these 4 workouts you can keep coming back to again and again.

TRIM for Men

I run an online fitness program that helps men completely change their food habits and sets them up to live longer and feel much better. Track food, get workouts, get coached - all in one app. Lose 10+ lbs in the first 7 weeks.

Check out TRIMmens.com or reply to this email to get started!

F3: Focus

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 has been in my head all week.

A time to be born, a time to die, sow/reap/, gather stones… you know that one.

We’re staring Fall - which season is it for you?

Just like you can’t burn fat and gain muscle at the same time, you can’t do everything all at once. So in our fitness program we focus on one for a period of time, then move to the next for awhile.

I have periods of life where I’m pulling in some good dough, and others where I’m spending money to lay the groundwork and build systems to bring in more later.

Pick your singular theme for the season, then stick with it for 3 months. If you’re going to focus on running, then run. If you’re going to bulk, then bulk. If you’re going to learn, then read the whole book or finish the course. But don’t do it all at once or you’ll actually get nothing done.

F4: Fat Loss

Most guys fail fat loss before they begin. Why? They refuse to track data. Period.

Here's my non-negotiable advice: Track your calories and protein for 5 minutes daily. That's the most valuable time you'll invest in your fitness. Guaranteed.

You can write it down, use MyFitnessPal, or when you sign up for TRIM you can track in the app there.

Overweight and out of shape? Fine, skip those 5 minutes.

Want to be lean and ripped? Track your food and steps. It's game-changing.

Until next week,

Bill Yackey
Head Men’s Trainer, TRIMforMEN
ISSA Certified Personal Trainer
Marketer, musician, dad, etc.


F4 is sponsored by TRIMforMen, a mobile app-based food, fitness, and accountability program. TRIM emphasizes carb cycling, water intake, macro tracking, intermittent fasting, and a success mindset. It provides personalized nutrition tracking, a meal plan library, and flexible workouts for the gym and home.

F4 subscribers get $15 off their first 7 weeks of TRIM with code F4letter.

Sign up here