F4: Food, Fitness, Focus, Fat Loss - Oct 11, 2024

More peanut butter musings, LISS-teria, crafting your inner circle

It's not good for me

Happy Friday!

I'm someone who is downright busy all the time. I also find myself telling people how busy I am, like it is some badge of honor or preemptive excuse for not being able to dedicate the time it requires to accomplish whatever we're talking about.

We glorify busyness, but it's a trap. Being busy rarely equals being productive. You're spinning your wheels, reacting to demands, and getting nowhere fast.

Effectiveness is different. It's about focused action aligned with your long-term vision. Every step you take moves you closer to your goals.

Ask yourself:

  • Am I just busy, or am I truly effective?

  • How much of my day did I spend on what actually matters?

  • What can I do RIGHT NOW to prioritize my goals?

Stop filling your time. Start filling your life. It's time to get effective.

Let’s get started…

F1: Food

Is peanut butter healthy? (I do at least a tablespoon a day, full disclosure.) The answer is yes, BUT with a few caveats.

While packed with healthy fats, vitamin B3, and vitamin E, which support metabolism, DNA repair, and immune function, not all peanut butters are created equal.

Here's what to watch out for:

  • Added sugars: Choose natural peanut butter with minimal or no added sugars.

  • Hydrogenated oils: Avoid brands with hydrogenated oils, which can contribute to heart disease.

  • Portion control: Peanut butter is calorie-dense, so stick to the recommended serving size (typically 2 tablespoons).

F2: Fitness

What is LISS? Low-intensity strength training is gaining traction, and for good reason. It builds muscle and enhances athletic performance without spiking your heart rate.

This approach involves using 57-63% of your maximum heart rate for 30+ minutes, achieving a "low-intensity steady state" (LISS). It's a sustainable way to build strength and endurance without pushing your body to exhaustion.

TRIM for Men

I run an online fitness program that helps men completely change their food habits and sets them up to live longer and feel much better. Track food, get workouts, get coached - all in one app. Lose 10+ lbs in the first 7 weeks.

Check out TRIMmens.com or reply to this email to get started!

F3: Focus

If you're serious about building the life you envision, be ruthless about who you allow in your inner circle. Complainers, victims, gossipers, and those without ambition have no place in your life.

These individuals are toxic to your mindset, hindering your progress and preventing you from achieving your goals. Distance yourself from negativity and surround yourself with those who inspire greatness within you.

Remember, your tribe will either fuel your success or sabotage it. Choose wisely.

F4: Fat Loss

Want to lose weight without feeling miserable and deprived? Forget crash diets and unsustainable restrictions. The key to long-term success is a moderate calorie deficit.

Aim for 500 calories below your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) daily. This translates to roughly 1lb of weight loss per week – a healthy and sustainable pace that allows your body to adapt without feeling deprived.

This approach ensures you have enough energy for daily activities and workouts, preventing plateaus and promoting consistent progress. It's not about quick fixes, it's about building a lifestyle that supports your goals.

Until next week,

Bill Yackey
Head Men’s Trainer, TRIMforMEN
ISSA Certified Personal Trainer
Marketer, musician, dad, etc.


F4 is sponsored by TRIMforMen, a mobile app-based food, fitness, and accountability program. TRIM emphasizes carb cycling, water intake, macro tracking, intermittent fasting, and a success mindset. It provides personalized nutrition tracking, a meal plan library, and flexible workouts for the gym and home.

F4 subscribers get $15 off their first 7 weeks of TRIM with code F4letter.

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